Inventory of Hazardous Materials Sampling Onboard Existing / new Ships

We, Constellation Marine Services LLC as independent ship and marine surveyors, often get instructions by our existing as well as by new clients to carry out IHM sampling onboard existing vessels. Recently one of our clients requested us to carry out IHM sampling as per class approved VSCP (Visual sampling & check Plan) on board the existing tanker vessel. Our Naval Architect/IHM expert upon receipt of instruction boarded at Fujairah anchorage, UAE.
1. To provide ship-specific information on the actual hazardous
materials present on board in order to protect human health
and safety.
2. To prevent environmental pollution at ship recycling
SCOPE OF THE WORK: Sampling of Hazardous materials as per Class Approved VSCP Plan.
There are two key legislations with respect to ship recycling
in the industry as below,
1. IMO Hong Kong Convention (HKC) SR/CONF/45.
2. European Union Ship Recycling Regulation (EU SRR) EC
No 1257/2013.
Hong Kong Convention contains six guidelines in total and
MEPC.269 (68) stands the guiding code for the development
of the Inventory of Hazardous Materials (IHM) under IMO.
IMO Hong Kong Convention (HKC) SR/CONF/45:
HKC will be applying to the vessels, operating in the marine
atmosphere, which are equal to or above 500 Gross Tonnage.
Merchant navy vessels and inland ships are excluded from
the scope. HKC has two key concerns,
1. Inventory of hazardous materials (IHM)
2. Endorsement of ship recycling facilities.
EU Ship Recycling Regulation (EU SRR) EC No 1257/2013:
The EU SRR has entered into force in 2013 and general application
had started at the end of year 2018. Same as the HKC, EU
SRR is applicable for ships, operating in the marine atmosphere,
which are equal to or above 500 Gross Tonnage. Merchant
navy vessels and inland ships are excluded from the scope.
The EU SRR has two key concerns as similar as HKC convention
1. Inventory of hazardous materials (IHM)
2. EU List of approved ship recycling facilities.
Requested plans/drawings of General arrangement, Engine
room arrangement plan, Capacity Plan & safety plan had been
provided as requested by attending IHM experts of M/s. Constellation
Marine Services LLC and upon receipt same have been assessed
in detail of the applicability for the preparation of an
IHM sampling onboard.
Sampling points were identified as per Class approved VSCP
(Visual Sampling and Check Plan). Samples were drawn from
locations/Sampling points as identical as mentioned in VSCP
with relevant hazardous materials. Following sampling procedure
had been followed onboard by IHM experts,
1. Photographs of sampling point/location had been taken
during sampling (Three pictures of each sampling)
(Pic 1: Sampling Location, Pic 2: Drawn sample in sampling
bag with location)
2. Using permanent marker unique sampling code (as per VSCP)
has been mentioned in the sampling bag.
3. Sample’s had been extracted from sampling point by using
appropriate tools like pliers, pocket knife. Drawn samples
were sealed in air sealing bag. After each samples drawn
tools were cleaned with wet wipes.
4. Limitations like access to sampling point, change/differ
of sampling location, sampling procedure from VSCP plan
had been mentioned in remarks column in VSCP.
5. Sampled locations had been marked in plans/drawings provided
(General arrangement, Engine room arrangement plan, Capacity
Plan & safety plan).
Samples drawn onboard during sampling were sealed in air
sealing bag and had been dispatched to a recognized lab
for analysis.