Sulphur Emission with respect to Marpol Annex VI – Expert comment

The forthcoming changes to the rules governing Sulphur emissions in MARPOL Annex VI present tricky technical challenges to interested parties. We believe no other regulations in recent history of shipping has invoked the multitude of responses than the Sulphur 2021 cap.
Being unprecedented in nature, numerous meetings, conferences,
programs and discussions have been held, many papers and
articles propagated on this subject.
Constellation Marine services, in addition to being the
regions premiere Marine Survey Company, puts great emphasis
on consultancy too, and to that end, our organization has
had the good fortune of being represented in various forum
discussions, and we work closely with regulatory bodies
to decipher the requirements behind this forthcoming change.
It is, thus, with some degree of certainty, we state that
the challenges introduced by the global Sulphur cap are
not exclusively technical. Very little though has been discussed
on its potential impact on contracts and charter parties.
Although the new global Sulphur cap will not arrive until
2021, (now not too far away) forward planning now could
help to avoid painful charter party disputes in the future.
In our assimilation of various discussions Constellation
marine have participated in, we firmly believe Time charter
parties may require close attention, with more challenges
anticipated for vessels already in long-term charter parties
that are likely to go beyond the enforcement date of 1 January
2021. For the benefit of our clients, Constellation Marine
services has assimilated the below narrative with a perception
that this may be useful for our clients that enter into
marine contracts and charter parties prior to and post enforcement
of the Sulphur cap regulations. Based on our understanding
there is no one “Magic Charter party” that would deal with
all of the issues that may arise. However, there is no denying
that most bunker clauses will require review, not to mention
other clauses, entirely dependent on the chosen method of
compliance. For vessels in existing charter parties and
to be redelivered post 1st January 2021, the below may be
a few points to consider: • What will be done, and at whose
cost, with any non-compliant fuel on board that can no longer
be used or is not allowed to remain on board? A prohibition
on the carriage of non-compliant fuels will come into force
on 1 March 2021 for vessels not fitted with scrubbers. Non-compliant
fuels will have to be removed to avoid fines or the vessel
being detained. If non-compliant fuel is not consumed before
1 January 2021, who will be obliged to arrange or pay for
the removal of such fuel will depend upon the wording of
the charter party. The parties may wish to agree in the
charter party that non-compliant fuel will be used before
01/01/2021 to avoid extensive discharge costs and to maximize
bunker tank capacity for compliant fuels, could be an option.
• What is the definition of ‘high Sulphur’ and low Sulphur’?
– This is a tricky one At the moment, vessels burn either
‘low Sulphur’ (0.1%S max) fuel in ECAs or ‘high Sulphur’
(3.5%S max) fuel outside ECAs. In 2021, there will be three
Sulphur types (<0.1%S, <0.5%S and >0.5%S). This raises the
question: what will ‘low Sulphur’ and ‘high Sulphur’ mean
in 2021? The meaning of such terms we understand may have
a significant impact on bunkers on redelivery calculations.
• If scrubbers are being considered, who will pay for the
installation and any associated delay or deviation? Will
the vessel need to go to dry dock to fit scrubbers and will
this be allowed under the charter party? It is seen unlikely
that existing charter parties will expressly say who is
to pay for a vessel to have a scrubber installed. It is
only if the charterer is likely to benefit in fuel cost
savings then there may be scope for a commercial agreement
as to who will pay. At this moment the cost differential
is up for argument. • Can Owners be compelled to fit scrubbers?
Precedence has shown that the Courts have found that the
owners were in breach of certain clauses in the particular
charter parties for not having carried out the necessary
modifications to comply with changes to MARPOL Annex I.
But, the absence of scrubber on a vessel will not necessarily
put the vessel or its owner in breach of MARPOL Annex VI
or impact on the vessel’s documentation. (Reference Elli
and the Frixos [2008] 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 11) In conclusion,
where long term charter parties are already being in force,
there is less scope for planning ahead. However, it might
be possible to agree amendments to the charter party following
commercial discussions and consultancy, if needed about
how some or all of the issues will be dealt with. Where
charter parties are entered into after 01/01/20, the issues
to consider will we believe depend upon the chosen method
for compliance: • Exhaust gas cleaning systems (scrubbers)
The biggest debate we have observed here is – who will be
responsible for waste effluent removal? Depending on the
type of scrubbers used, effluent removal is necessary, either
to sea or to a reception facility. It is imperative that
who will be responsible for scrubber waste disposal will
depend upon the wording of the charter party. For owners
choosing open loop scrubbers, peculiar problems arise whether
a particular port / territorial waters permit them to discharge
effluents – posing another set of problems. • Will a higher
daily hire rate be justified? In the present scenario, forecasts
indicate HSFO (suitable for use with scrubbers) will be
around USD 250/- to USD 300/- cheaper than distillates.
Therefore it was seen argued that charterers may benefit
financially from the installation of scrubbers, but industry
pundits imagine this will lead to higher charter party rates
for vessels fitted with scrubbers. • Will performance warranties
be affected by the power demands of scrubbers? There is
an unprecedented need to review performance clauses, in
view that at this moment, the percentage of ships fitted
with scrubbers is low to merit any viable performance data
being validated. • Will the fuel prices agreed in the charter
party need to be changed? Owners choosing blends, distillates
and hybrids as the methodology for compliance have often
remarked on who would be responsible for the cost and time
of any bunker tank cleaning required due to switching between
certain fuels? Will the bunker quality clause need to be
amended, particularly given that some hybrid fuels do not
fit comfortably into ISO8217, is posing a significant challenge
to this method of compliance. Another often discussed aspect
posing a challenge – Will suitable and compliant fuel be
available during the vessel’s chosen trade? If not, who
will be responsible for any additional expenses, fines etc.?
Will the trading clauses need to be varied in view of any
known (or non-compliant) fuel availability issues on the
vessel’s chosen trade? We have also observed that similar
challenges will prevail if emerging fuels (LNG) are to be
used, and may also apply to existing long-term charter parties
It has thus been observed that that charter parties that
extend into 2021 may not clearly allocate responsibility
between the ship-owner and the charterer for ensuring that
their ships – and the bunkers they have on board – are compliant
with the new rules. Thinking ahead starting now may be one
option, in addition to any consultancy or expert assistance
they clients may require, where Constellation Marine services
are well placed to offer.
SOURCES: UKDC defense Club – Soundings FAIRPLAY – FD&D
conference article by Tiejha Smyth,
By. Director